Hello, Welcome to Writeman Enterprises! Once when Coach Bill Peterson's team was getting ready to take the field against a tough opponent he told the team to bow their heads. Then turning to the player on his right he said, "Now lead us in a few words of silent prayer." That's just one of the many funny malapropisms uttered by the beloved head football coach of Florida State Unversity.
After a decade of carrying those quotes and notes around in boxes I have finally published them in a book called: "You Can't Become a Football Overnight." Peterson has been called the Yogi Berra of Football and I thnk
you'll find the book funny and a great gift idea especially for birthdays or Father's Day. By the way, Coach Pete was also president
of his Sunday School Class. You can purchase the book by clicking on "buy books" at the top of the page.
Writeman Enterprises is now in its fifth year on the internet. We've received visitors from over 75 countries and continue to be greatly
blessed in our writing, with over 350 Monday Morning Devotions on this website, numerous speaking engagements each year as well as an abundance of new friends.
Thank you for your interest and support. We would love to hear from you. Email us anytime: jim@nettally.com. We read and answer all emails. God Bless you and yours. Blessings, Jim